- Software:Playtech
Rock Paper Scissors is a Other game offered by Playtech games provider.
Everyone has, at some point in their lives, used the old faithful system of rock, paper, scissors to decide something. It works on the simple principle of each different option beating the other. Rock (signified by a clenched fist) beats scissors (signified by two fingers making a scissor shape). Scissors beat paper (signified by a flat palm) and paper beats rock, meaning a winner is always guaranteed. This game is exactly the same, only money is at stake.
First, you choose your stake, with options ranging from $1 to $100. You then select your choice (rock, paper or scissors) and press play. If your hand beats the casino hand, you win. A one-off bet is worth, for example, $1.90 if you win with a bet of $1. If you bet the maximum of $100, you can win $190.
As well as this, you can bet on you getting a winning "streak". Using $100 as the example stake, if you get two wins in a row, you win $870. Three wins in a row is $2600, while the maximum four wins in a row has a prize of $7800. You get nothing if you don't win your set amount of games in a streak, but it is more lucrative than playing one-off games.
The first thing I must mention about this game is how completely bizarre it looks - two disembodied hands, one yours and one belonging to the casino, float in the middle of the of the screen and are more than a little strange. When activated during play, they're downright creepy.
However, this is a small flaw in what is otherwise a good, fun game with more than a little nostalgia. The maximum reward (four wins in a row with a stake of $100) of $7800 is excellent, though even when playing for free I couldn't get any more than three in a row. Like all luck games its good fun if you're winning and an enjoyable way of earning a bit of cash.