- Software:Playtech
Pop Bingo is a Other game offered by Playtech games provider.
Bingo is one of the most popular past times in the world and this is a simple online version of it. Given a card, you have a set amount of pops, which basically represent the bingo balls being drawn, to complete the requisite amount of numbers on your card. The fewer pop it takes to complete the card, the more you win.
Playing is so simple I actually found it boring. The most interaction you have with the game is selecting your stake, with amounts ranging from $0.10 to $100. The higher the bet, the higher the prize fund. The amount you win is dependent on how many pops it takes to complete your card, a pop being the amount of balls needed.
If you stake, for example, the maximum amount of $100 then the top prize is a cool $1 million ($1, 600, 000) - but only if your card is completed in 40 pops. The prize fund then decreases in increments right down to 80 pops equalling $50. If your card isn't completed in 90 pops, you win nothing at all.
When you've chosen your stake, you click play and watch the pops come up, which happens very quickly. You can study the large board as each number comes up, or focus on your own numbers, which become ringed in red when they are called. You click play and watch, hoping the number of pops wont be too high. When all of your numbers have been called, the game ends, hopefully leaving you with some cash.
I'll be honest - this game bored me. When you hit play, there is nothing to do but sit and watch as the game pops numbers, but it happens so quickly you cant even focus on what numbers are appearing. You just have to sit and watch the ticker at the top of the game as it displays what your current prize fund is - it decreases as the pops increase.
In the test games I played, my card was never completed under 80 pops, which is a paltry return if playing for money. It takes roughly 40 seconds for an 80-pop game to play, which is 40 seconds in which you have nothing to do but watch the screen and hope for the best. Although the maximum prize of $1 million for a $100 is tempting, considering the numerous times I played took at least 80 pops, Id say it's pretty unlikely to get that jackpot. Playing is dull and the returns aren't great - a game to avoid.